i teško ih je nabrojati u samo jednom teksstu. Zato pogledajte tekstove i ilustracije o našim aktivnostima, nagradama, našim zaposlenima i saradnicima
Multisoft is a trailblazer in electronic publishing, and presently it leads the market as the top publisher of digital encyclopedias and educational software in Serbia. With access to hundreds of our multimedia programs, users can experience the following benefits:
Each of these programs, which is the result of several months of work (from 5 to 19 months) of programmers, professors and artists, has single-user (home) and several multi-user (school) versions that are updated and modernized almost every other year.
For more than 20 (twenty) years of working in this field (400,000 working hours!!), Multisoft has received the highest awards in Serbia. However, our multipurpose "My Book Machine" program received the greatest prize - The Best Educational Tool at the Didacta Fair (Hanover, 2015).
Since one of our programs is proclaimed the best in the country almost each year, then it is clear why our experts taught students, teachers and librarians at a large number of seminars, participated at international conferences (Budapest, Bratislava, Skopje), have stands at more than 10 international fairs, and Multisoft's Ce Ce Bukvar "represented our country in the field of education and entertainment at the First World Summit of Information Society (United Nations, 2003-2005).
Before the rise of social media, YouTube, Wikipedia, and other online platforms in 2006, Multisoft created digital encyclopedias that contained over 9,500 text pages, 43,000 illustrations, 7,000 minutes of audio, and 500 minutes of video. We recorded over 19,000 sound files with actors, developed over 11,000 quiz questions, and created about 500 animations and simulations. All of these were packaged into the best multimedia editions!
In 2008, we had accredited seminars for educators "To make each classroom multimedia" in which we summarize all our experience in working with children and educators. Several months later, this course was completed online by more than 700 professors (3 years ahead of the Ministry of Education's plan).
Since 2009, we have been developing programs for lecturers abroad, mostly in German, without forgetting that we do the same programs in the Serbian language as well. The work of cooperation with foreign partners is "My Book Machine", "Digital Folders" and "MasterTool", hardware solutions for "ordinary" and "digital" classrooms ("Portable IT Kits" etc.) as well as our complete functional versions of Word, Excell and PowerPoint (much cheaper than the original ones).
We have to boast of the fact that for the past two decades, we have been informatics literacy promoters: we have donated tens of thousands of programs, hundreds of courses, dozens of free lectures, we produced and managed computer shows on local TV and radio, donated the best students and blood donors, helped refugees and people with special needs.
In the spring of 2020, in the midst of a three-year crisis in which the government did not offer any support to our company, Multisoft once again demonstrated its social responsibility by allowing free use of our children's programs for a limited time period. Despite a lack of additional promotion, this initiative led to thousands of program downloads, totaling 33,000 copies valued at over $270,000.
We have never received support from any institution except the Open Society Fund (1997, 1999) and IRD/USAID (2002)! As pioneers in the fight against software piracy, we spent twice as much money on purchasing genuine software that we used for our entire company operations, than what we received from foreign donors.
After reading the reviews of our products (attached), you will be convinced that Multisoft has unparalleled experience in developing digital educational content in Serbia. If you take a closer look at our "My Book Machine Player", which comes in both online and offline versions for all operating systems and browsers, you will see that:
We financed our educational projects by developing commercially viable software such as Accounting Software, HR Software, Specialized Software for Health Funds and Hospitals, Football Associations, District Cadasters and Geodetic Institutes, Factories, Data Acquisition from Analog and Digital Devices, Video Clubs, Driving Schools, Radio Stations, Bookmakers, Libraries, Domestic and Foreign NGOs, Bus Stations, and Schools.
For many years, we also provided computer courses (over 5000 participants), sold and maintained computers and computer networks.
The European Society for Education and Communication (ESEC) and The EuroMedia Awards honour media productions focusing on the discourse of European Societies and the promotion of European Values.
Digita Awards Jury (Google-translated from German to Englsih): „The jury members are very pleased to be able to reward "MyBookMachine" as an important building block for the digital school. This tool allows publishing experiences of multimedia and interactive content designed a very strong impulse, because writers of all ages can apply the technical design means no big learning curve.
Even primary school children are able to use user-friendly tools for presenting their elaborations. Templates allow the combination of text, image, video, links and embedded interactions. The integrated editor-player authoring system allows verifing the state of development and the quality of a publication at any time during the manufacturing process.
For pedagogical reasons, the inclusion of sites with open or closed browser can be done, depending on whether the students have complete freedom of movement from the e-book out into the free Internet, or should be limited to safe websites. In a cloud, the self-created digital media are accessible next releases from other sources.
Quality of digital publication as travelogue, project presentation, cookbook or portfolio will depend of the media literacy of the users and users.
In the context in "MyBookMachine" incalculable prompts appear just very appropriate in terms of the target groups particularly addressed by this tool to observe the copyright laws in the manufacturing process.
The jury congratulates the "MyBookMachine" on winning the Digita 2015 and wishes the product the wide distribution it deserves.“
The Society for Pedagogy and Information or 'Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information' (GPI), a scientific society for multimedia, educational technology and media didactics, awards the annual Comenius-EduMedia-Awards to outstanding products in the field of ICT-supported educational media. The awards were founded in 1995 and with the Comenius-EduMedia-Awards GPI supports pedagogically, creatively and in content outstanding ICT-supported educational media.
More information in our attachments, demo programs, Youtube movies and websites
Jedno od prvih gostovanja na TV (3K, RTS, 1997) |
Novije gostovanje na TV (Prva TV, 2016) |
Multisoft d.o.o. su (po redosledu pojavljivanja dužeg od 2 godine u firmi): Miodrag Mićić, Nebojša Danilović, Milena Kostadinov, Viktor Kostadinov, Nataša Malinić, Radoslav Mićić, Bojana Ristanović, Snežana Barjaktarević, Katarina Lacmanović, Stojanka Filipović, Aleksandar Ðerić, Goran Pantović, Oliver Mićić-Bućić, Nemanja Starčević, Dragana Danilović, Branka Backović, Jelica Milivojević, Olivera Janković, Slobodan Rogić, Aleksandar Radojičić, Branko Stevanović, Dušica Aćimović, Ivana Grujičić, Snežana Ðurić.
Tokom dugogodišnjeg rada naučili smo da se sve ideje ne mogu ostvariti (mada i dalje u našoj zemlji pokušavamo da budemo inovatori u svom poslu). O našim poslovima možete pogledati u drugim tekstovima, a ovde ćemo navesti neke interesantne i neobične stvari koje su nam se događale.
a ovoj stranici ćete moći da pročitate šta smo, kako i zašto radili svih ovih godina:
Za početak ćemo navesti redosled pojavljivanja naših multimedijalnih diskova:
Izrada elaborata projekta CD-ROM-a trajala je od marta do juna 1996. Najduže je trajalo traženje veza, a preko njih večih veza koje bi nam obezbedile dozvolu za adaptaciju jedne ili više (od do sada bezbroj) knjiga sa temom Užice i okolina. U junu 1996. "Multisoft", zahvaljujuci Spomen centru "Kadinjača" dobija eksluzivno pravo na izdavanje diska o Užicu koji ce kao polaznu osnovu koristiti dva toma knjige "Istorija Užica". Od tada počinje i konkretan rad na projektu koji je trajao 19 meseci.
Posao na pripremi diska započet je 1. jula 1999. godine, a zavrsen 22. aprila 2000. godine, na Dan planete Zemlje. Na enciklopediji je sve vreme radilo devet ljudi, od programera do strucnih autora tekstova, koji su zajedno utrosili 18.250 radnih sati. U projektu su saradjivali, uloživši oko 1.200 sati rada, grafički dizajner, likovni umetnici i lektor, koji su pomogli da enciklopedija dobije konačan izgled. Stručni recenzent je dr Ilija Misailović, geograf, saradnik Geografskog instituta SANU. Kompletan disk je pregledao i dao pozitivne kritike i direktor IC Petnica, Vigor Majić (takođe doktor geografskih nauka).
Od naše prvog nastupa na Sajmu knjiga 1997. godine, narednih 5 sajmova kao mali izdavači nismo imali odvojen štand već smo nastupali u okviru skupa užičkih izdavača (štand je plaćala Opština Užice). U narednim godinama ovaj štand postaće nam tesan (uprkos tome što smo se na njemu lepo provodili). Na svim ovim stranicama moći ćete da pogledate interesantne filmove koji će dobro ilustrovati naš rad. I uporno nastojanje uvođenja informatike u obrazovanje.
Na Međunarodnom sajmu knjiga 2002. imao i više naslova i više fotografija.
U tom trenutku imamo objavljene sledeće naslove:
U decembru 2003. snimili smo novogodišnju pesmu za decu, napravili i spot, a zatim izašli u grad i delili diskove deci. Kompoziciju je uradio Zoran Vuković, tekst Tatjana Vuković, snimanje i kompletnu produkciju Nikola Pejović i studio Talija. Za spot smo koristili kamere TV5, a montažu smo uradili sami. Pesma "Ce De Da Mraz" se emitovala po lokalnim TV (najviše TV5) i radio (najviše Radio 31) stanicama. A onda smo izašli ispred dečije prodavnice Gap i sa Zoranom Filipovićem kao Deda Mrazom deci diskove sa pesmom.
S ponosom smo objavili kljigu naše saradnice Tijane Jevtić. Ona je, pored dizajniranja naših mnogobrojnih diskova, sama za ovu knjigu napisala tekstove, uradila ilustracije, prevod na engleski, dizajn omota... "Knjiga o kojoj će se tek govoriti, kada autohtona mašta ovde dobije legitimno pravo postojanja" (Zoran Panović, Danas, ceo tekst možete pogledati kllikom na opširnije, a galeriju ilustracija ovde).
Promocije smo radili na sajmovima, predavanjima, kursevima, seminarima, konferencijama itd.
Na najvećem sajmu obrazovanja Didacta u Hanoveru (Nemačka) 2012. godine kao jedina firma iz Srbije promovišemo naš program Easy School Book. Pogledajte ilustracije (fotogradije i filmove) u nastavku teksta.
Na ovom sajmu za projekat My Book Machine dobijamo nagradu za najbolji obrazovni alat.